Featured Speaker: Elaine Taylor-Klaus, MCC

About Elaine Taylor-Klaus, MCC

CEO, ImpactParents.com
The mom in an ADHD ++ family of six, Elaine Taylor-Klaus is a Master Certified Coach and internationally recognized thought leader in neurodiversity and parenting. The co-founder of the first global coaching organizations for parents of complex kids -- ImpactADHD® and ImpactParents.com -- she is a trusted advisor to parents and professionals and has trained thousands of parents and certified hundreds of professionals around the world in neurodiversity-informed coaching skills. The host of the Parenting with Impact podcast, she is the author of several books including her personal favorite, The Essential Guide to Raising Complex Kids with ADHD, Anxiety and More.

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Elaine 's Gift

About Elaine Taylor-Klaus, MCC

The mom in an ADHD ++ family of six, Elaine Taylor-Klaus is a Master Certified Coach and internationally recognized thought leader in neurodiversity and parenting. The co-founder of the first global coaching organizations for parents of complex kids -- ImpactADHD® and ImpactParents.com -- she is a trusted advisor to parents and professionals and has trained thousands of parents and certified hundreds of professionals around the world in neurodiversity-informed coaching skills. The host of the Parenting with Impact podcast, she is the author of several books including her personal favorite, The Essential Guide to Raising Complex Kids with ADHD, Anxiety and More.
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